

滑走路 Rezer HMJ
(Landing strip Rezer HMJ ver2.6)
(1)"Landing strip Rezer HMJ"をREZします。
(4)"Landing strip Rezer HMJ"に黄色の矢印が流れ、滑走路が伸びます。
(1)誘導ビームを中心とした20度の漏斗状(かつ"Landing strip Rezer HMJ"から96メートル以内)の空域に、「滑走路の利用者」が入るとセンサーが稼動します。
(3)滑走路に着陸して、「滑走路の利用者」が"Landing strip Rezer HMJ"の上に立つと矢印は消え、終了します。
(1)"Landing strip Rezer HMJ"をタッチします。
(1)"Landing strip Rezer HMJ"をタッチします。
(1)"Landing strip Rezer HMJ"をタッチします。
(1)"Landing strip Rezer HMJ"をタッチします。
(1)"Landing strip Rezer HMJ"をタッチします。
(1)"Landing strip Rezer HMJ"をタッチします。
(2)"(set button)"ボタンを押します。
(1)"Landing strip Rezer HMJ"をタッチします。
(2)"(set button)"ボタンを押します。
※一旦"Landing strip Rezer HMJ"をTAKEして、再度REZしても設定はリセットされます。
(1)"Landing strip Rezer HMJ"をタッチします。
(3)"Give HUD"を押します。
(1)HUDは"Landing strip Rezer HMJ"と同一SIM内の、REZ可能な土地の上空以外では正しく動作しません。
(2)HUDを設定した後に"Landing strip Rezer HMJ"の位置を動かすと滑走路が正しくREZされません。
(1)"Landing strip Rezer HMJ"をタッチします。
(4)"Landing strip Rezer HMJ"に黄色の矢印が流れ、滑走路が伸びます。

Landing strip Rezer HMJ ver2.6

1. Take off
(1)REZ "Landing strip Rezer HMJ".
(2)Touch "Landing strip Rezer HMJ" & The dialog is displayed. The touching person becomes "USER".
(3)Choose the direction.
(4)The yellow arrow flows & The landing strip expands.
(5)Possible to take off when the arrow greens. The landing strip is the temp prims. It will die in about 1 minute.
(6)When the landing strip is die, the arrow flows in the opposite direction, & becomes orange. & an orange beacon is displayed.
2. Landing
(1)The sensor operates when "USER" enters the range of 20 degrees to have centered on beacon (& within 96 meters from "Landing strip Rezer HMJ") .
(2)The landing strip expands, when the sensor detects "USER" (& the arrow and the beacon becomes green).
(3)The arrow disappears and its ends, when "USER" stands on "Landing strip Rezer HMJ".
3. How to cancel?
(1)Touch "Landing strip Rezer HMJ" & The dialog is displayed, and choose "YES".
(2)The arrow disappears, and it ends.
< customizing >・・・ 3 - 8 menu is Owner only.
1. How to change the length of the Landing strip. ・・・ Default is 90 meters.
(1)Touch "Landing strip Rezer HMJ".
(2)Push "Length" button.
(3)Because the dialog comes out, Choose the length.
2. How to change the the width of the Landing strip.・・・ Default is 10 meters.
(1)Touch "Landing strip Rezer HMJ".
(2)Push "Width" button.
(3)Because the dialog comes out, Choose the width.
3. How to limit the user.・・・ Default is the same group.
(1)Touch "Landing strip Rezer HMJ".
(2)Push "Option" button.
(3)The user's setting is chosen from "All", "Group", and "Owner".
4. How to non-display the beacon.
(1)Touch "Landing strip Rezer HMJ".
(2)Push "Option" button.
(3)Push "ParticleOFF" button.
5. How to turn off the sensor.
(1)Touch "Landing strip Rezer HMJ".
(2)Push "Option" button.
(3)Push "SensorOFF" button.
6. Prohibit the change in a specific direction button, width, and length.
(1)Touch "Landing strip Rezer HMJ".
(2)Push "(set button)" button.
(3)Pushed the button to be erased. As for the pushed button, the display changes into "(none)".
(4)When the setting ends, Push "(END)" button.
7. How to reset.
(1)Touch "Landing strip Rezer HMJ".
(2)Push "(set button)" button.
(3)Push "(RESET)" button.
- Even if "Landing strip Rezer HMJ" is done in TAKE once, and REZ is done again, the setting is reset.
8. How to use the HUD.
(1)Touch "Landing strip Rezer HMJ".
(2)Push "Option" button.
(3)Push "Give HUD" button.
(4)Please operate HUD, according to "Setting & limitation of HUD".
< Setting & limitation of HUD >
1. Limitation of HUD
(1)HUD can be operated in the same SIM (& the possible to REZ).
(2)After HUD is set, "Landing strip Rezer HMJ" is not moved.
(3)When used HUD, recommend the sensor to be turned off.
2. How to set HUD
(1)Touch "Landing strip Rezer HMJ".
(2)The dialog comes out when touching.
(3)Push the button in the direction that wants to extend the The landing strip.
(4)The yellow arrow flows & The landing strip expands.
(5)Take the landing strip in this side in the postponed landing strip.
(6)The object that does take becomes either "Road1", "Road2" or "Road3" by the width of the glide slope.
(7)Rez "HUD" on the ground.
(8)Only one object that does take is put in the inventory of HUD.
(9)The number of the description of the object of "HUD" means the length of the glide slope. Default is "9". This means the landing strip is set to 90 meters. Please change properly.
3. How to use HUD
(1)Touch "HUD" in the same SIM (& the possible to REZ).
(2)The landing strip expands.
(3)The landing strip is the temp prims. It will die in about 1 minute.


Posted by はるき
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